So I’m messing around with a bunch of ideas for a Dying Earth version of DW. Thought I’d share the love, see who else is interested…
So I’m messing around with a bunch of ideas for a Dying Earth version of DW.
So I’m messing around with a bunch of ideas for a Dying Earth version of DW.
I’m a huge Vance fan, and will comment more once I’ve had a chance to read over this more closely, but I just wanted to say that it looks great so far. I love the Innocent’s move “O Brave New World”. I can totally imagine that scene
Also, if anyone give sthis a try and wants to randomly generate a big list of Vancian spell names for their Wizard character, my friend Chris Pound programmed a generator I wrote ages ago which can be found here:
Peter Goderie I’ve had a chance to read ove rthis in a little more detail, and I have to say I think you’ve captured the tone of the books wonderfully. I’d love to give this a shot sometime. Please post if you finish out the playbooks.
Thanks John Marron . I won’t be playtesting this until at least after my group has finished our Inverse World campaign, but it’s taken root in my brain now, so I’ll keep tinkering with it.