I wrote a front for an abandoned dwarf hold my players are exploring. I’ve never actually done this before, so I’m a little unsure about it. Which is why I want to run it past the G+DW collective.
FRONT: The Lost Halls of Twinhold.
Description and Cast:
the halls of Twinhold were lost some time ago, when Derro drove swarms of fire beetles up from below. Now the dwarves have gone, the derro hide in the shadows, and the Goliaths are taking advantage of what they think is a free route to the surface.
How will the ghost of the last dwarf defender react to the party?
What did the dwarves leave behind in the room on the treasure map?
Danger: Goliath Advance Guard
Impulse: to crush obstacles
-Send a few scouts up through the hole in the deeps [X]
-Widen the hole with a shaking of the earth [ ]
-build a ladder up from below, and haul up supplies [ ]
-the army marches from below [ ]
DOOM: Goliaths take the hold and march on the surface
Danger: Derro Shadows
Impulse: to keep what they’ve won
-deactivate all the traps as a lure [X]
-spread their beetles through the complex [ ]
-send the beetles into a feeding frenzy [ ]
-reactive all the traps [ ]
DOOM: the halls become a death trap
thoughts? advice? suggestions?
My understanding of DOOMs is that they are not specific to the characters.
The Goliath doom looks good, but the Derro shadows seem too specific to the characters.
If the characters do nothing about the Derro, what will change in the world?
well, the halls will become a deathtrap for the Goliaths as well. So, if the players don’t interfere with the Derro, they might solve the Goliath problem… at the potential cost of the PCs’ lives.
But maybe the DOOM should be “The Derro grow confident and seek to undermine new steadings”?
Could be! Whatever it is I think it should have some impact on the world. Derro succeed at trapping the Goliaths, Goliaths find another way out…say right in the middle of a city?
Jarrah James, I like the way this front have, but I have an doubt: if the heroes help the derro, the goliaths will not rise uo to the surface, but if he does help the goliath? what’s gonna happen?