If I were to DM a text-only game tomorrow (Jul 1) around 7pm EST via hangout or Roll20, would anyone be interested?
I’m pretty new, but my RL players have had fun so far and it could be interesting.
If so, if anyone has any interesting ideas in mind I’d love to hear em, something to mull over while I’m at work. Otherwise I’ll come up with something when I get home.
Tomorrow is short notice for me but I live for text and play by post games so if ya get another one going then let me know. I’ve been wanting to play DW as I never have but I’ve been looking over and through the core rules..\m/
Alright, I’ll keep you in mind if I do this again. If it goes well I pretty definitely will.
And if more people are interested but it’s too short notice, I can delay it til Tuesday or Wednesday (possibly Thursday, not sure yet).
I’m up for some gaming both Monday and Tuesday night, as I’m flying stag both nights.
I’m interested.
That’s about 31 hours from now, yes?
31 hours for 7pm Monday evening? No, that’s around 19. 31 hours would be 7AM
Okay, I’m grokking that now. So, about 14 hours from now.
I think I might move it to Tuesday evening instead though so I have some time to prepare.
Roger, Roger.
I might be available on tuesday evening. (Night for me)
I wouldn’t be available tonight, but I would be Tuesday evening.
That makes five interested players!
Jeez, that’s quite a turnout. I’m excited.
Joshua Otwell You in for Tuesday? Or is it still too short-notice?
Tuesday should work for me.
Awesome. I think 6 people’s plenty, so I’m gonna cap it there.
Joshua Saville do you have an approximant time for tomorrow?
My plan’s to begin gathering together and generating characters around 7pm EST (GMT-4), if that works for everyone?
Full Disclosure: I will need to get my son to school before 8:00. (I’m 12 hours ahead of you.) So, that will probably eat up 7:30-8:00 or so. I’ll understand if you pick another.
Nah that should be fine, you can just come in a little late.
Everyone playing, please make sure you’ve made a (free) account on http://www.Roll20.net before we’re ready to play. It only takes a moment. Around 6:50 or so I’ll throw up a link in this thread with the link to the game.
Speaking of which, how do people normally do character sheets in Roll20? Just posting in the Journal?
I’m not so familiar with Roll20, though I’ll have an account ready. I mostly play by post and we use gdocs. For example: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UQeDFAxiPvQsAr3MYaWVF1hH2puZXMwBR-6sVzlsC2A/edit
What will our playbook options be?
Are we using the Roll20 hangouts plugin?
I was just going to use Roll20 itself; is there a reason to use the hangouts plugin? I haven’t checked that part of it out yet.
For playbooks, the base classes I guess; I’m not really familiar with the others yet
Google docs for the character sheets seems like a good idea; simple enough, and whatever moves you pick you can just copy+paste into it so they can be easily seen.
Joshua Saville just as a heads up I may not have a computer available in time for this, and the Roll20 website requires me to pay for access from a mobile device. Hopefully I can get this sorted out, but just wanted to pass along the heads up.
Dang, that sucks. Is there a mobile version of the Hangout version you could use? Maybe you don’t have to pay for it? optimistic
Join, people, join! Ping Richard Robertson , Joachim Erdtman , Joshua Otwell