#DruidWeek  Does anyone else find it very boring that the Druid Shapeshift has nothing interesting happen on a 7-9?

#DruidWeek  Does anyone else find it very boring that the Druid Shapeshift has nothing interesting happen on a 7-9?

#DruidWeek  Does anyone else find it very boring that the Druid Shapeshift has nothing interesting happen on a 7-9?

13 thoughts on “#DruidWeek  Does anyone else find it very boring that the Druid Shapeshift has nothing interesting happen on a 7-9?”

  1. If I had it my way, the move would look more like this (or something close): “On a 7–9 hold 2, but choose one:

    – You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.

    – You took a bit longer to shift than you expected. The GM will tell you how.

    – You take -1d4 hold (to a minimum of 1). The GM will tell you how.”

  2. I like both of your points, but I have felt what Jim Schmitz is getting at when I’ve played as a Druid.  

    Regaring “On a 7-9 hold 2, but choose one:’ I ilke the first two options you name, especially the second one.  

    Other options:

    ‘-the shapeshift is agonizing-take -1 forward’

    ‘-the shapeshift leaves you disoriented, take a mental debility’

    ‘-the animal takes over, the GM will tell you one move the animal makes to react to the situation until you regain control.’

    ‘-your soul is not attached to the body you used to have.  You can roughly control that body, but if it dies you do not get to roll Last Breath.’  

  3. I agree that it is less exciting, but I feel like your move makes it a lot worse. It would work better as “hold 3, choose one.” (Regardless, as it is, there’s no need for a -1d4: 2-1d4 is always 1 hold.) I would change it to 3 hold, leave the first two choices alone, and the third is a 1 hold option.

  4. Though, after reading the suggestions above, my list would now instead be (I like the fact that these are all story based, not stat adjustments):

     – You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.

     – You took a bit longer to shift than you expected. The GM will tell you how.

     – You are taken over by the animal spirit within before you regain control. The GM will tell you how.

  5. Adam Koebel Yes, to an extent. But my druid shifts several times in a single fight. It really doesn’t feel like any real “Hard Choice”.

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