With the ability now for a few bucks get some classic old dnd modules from drivethru I was wondering if you only…

With the ability now for a few bucks get some classic old dnd modules from drivethru I was wondering if you only…

With the ability now for a few bucks get some classic old dnd modules from drivethru I was wondering if you only bought one adventure to use for inspiration for a dungeon world game what would it be and why? Thinking About purchasing one or two and thought the 1000+ members of this community might have some thoughts



6 thoughts on “With the ability now for a few bucks get some classic old dnd modules from drivethru I was wondering if you only…”

  1. Brouhaha Games over at Drive Thru RPG have a couple of conversions of older D&D modules. Perhaps the most famous being The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh through their Haunting of Highcliff Module.

    Personally I think that Keep on the Borderlands would be amazing in DW. I’ve toyed around with the idea in my head a few times, but have not seriously sat down and written any ideas on how to convert it up.

    I also think that Expedition to the Barrier Peaks could be amazingly fun to play. The right level of gonzo meeting dungeon crawling combined with a system that encourages both? YES PLEASE!

  2. I have played The Sinister Secret for several different systems. I changed the backstory a bit to prime the players minds to it being a legitimate horror game.

  3. I know Adam Koebel’s run Saltmarsh a few times, and I think he’s done some others as well, but he’s travelling so he may not be able to fill us in.

  4. It’s Against the Cult of the Reptile God that I usually run.  It’s pretty straightforward and easy and you can cut a lot of the “wandering around trying to find the adventure” bullshit without damaging the concept.

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