Thinking about a compendium class roughly based on the Asgard from the Marvel movies – The Demigod.

Thinking about a compendium class roughly based on the Asgard from the Marvel movies – The Demigod.

Thinking about a compendium class roughly based on the Asgard from the Marvel movies – The Demigod. 

When you discover your Divine Heritage, you can take Nigh Immortal. 

Nigh Immortal: you are almost impossible to kill. If there is a way, even you’re not sure what it is. You can still be hurt, though. When you would roll Last Breath, instead roll +CON. *on a 10+, mark a debility of your choice. *On a 7-9, mark a debility of your choice, and a debility of the GM’s choice. *On a miss, gain a debility for ALL your stats. You will also want to lie down for a while. Ow. 

2 thoughts on “Thinking about a compendium class roughly based on the Asgard from the Marvel movies – The Demigod.”

  1. Yes. Considering they can’t actually, you know, die… AND they get to roll +CON, rather than +nothing, I think it’s kind of fair. I might make it -1 forward instead, though. 

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