st00pid n00b question that just now came up after so many happily oblivious games…

st00pid n00b question that just now came up after so many happily oblivious games…

st00pid n00b question that just now came up after so many happily oblivious games…

when in the gear section of a class sheet it says something like:

Choose your armament – – warhammer 

– mace

– staff & bandages

can you have everything you want?

or do you have to choose one?

because in other sheets you see a specific Choose one … so …

6 thoughts on “st00pid n00b question that just now came up after so many happily oblivious games…”

  1. Clearly this is a pick one situation, but I cannot resist being a grammar nazi: “armament” is a collective noun, so whether it is plural or not does not make a difference in this case. 

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