st00pid n00b question that just now came up after so many happily oblivious games…
when in the gear section of a class sheet it says something like:
Choose your armament – – warhammer
– mace
– staff & bandages
can you have everything you want?
or do you have to choose one?
because in other sheets you see a specific Choose one … so …
Since it says armament, not -ments, I’d say you only choose one.
Roger that. I think Sage LaTorra clarified earlier that each section is “pick one” unless otherwise stated.
What Giovanni Lanza said.
thanks for the clarification ^_^
Clearly this is a pick one situation, but I cannot resist being a grammar nazi: “armament” is a collective noun, so whether it is plural or not does not make a difference in this case.
that was what spawned our doubt, Tim Noyce