While I don’t have a playbook yet (though that’s being planned…) here’s the text for the Monster Tamer class.

While I don’t have a playbook yet (though that’s being planned…) here’s the text for the Monster Tamer class.

While I don’t have a playbook yet (though that’s being planned…) here’s the text for the Monster Tamer class. 

Eagerly awaiting criticism. 


5 thoughts on “While I don’t have a playbook yet (though that’s being planned…) here’s the text for the Monster Tamer class.”

  1. This looks like a lot of fun, and translates from the inspiration very well!

    If you have an advanced move that works off a starting move, you don’t need the “requires: x move” tag.

  2. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem if you take it out, since it refers to monsterapedic knowledge specifically. It’s not a gamebreaker if you leave it in, but if you find yourself pressed for space when you make it into a playbook, you’ll be able to cut the line without compromising the move.

    It’d also be neat to include a few iconic pre-generated monsters such as the Thunder Rat or the Squirt Tortise on a third page to enable fast play and give an idea of what the results look like.

  3. Totally intended to add in some iconic monsters, including a phoenix, storm crow, and ice hawk (the legendary birds were my firsts and always my favorites).

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