Forgive this long intro, but I need to make sense here.

Forgive this long intro, but I need to make sense here.

Forgive this long intro, but I need to make sense here. I renounced Star Wars a long time ago. It truly has been a galaxy far, far away for me. But at May the 4th (yeah I know) I watched the original (non-special edition) for the first time with my girlfriend (who never saw any of them). And lo and behold, suddenly there was that old familiar spine-tingling feeling again and I just knew I had to ask it here:

Is there a Star Wars Hack for DW?

18 thoughts on “Forgive this long intro, but I need to make sense here.”

  1. Maarten Roex Dungeon Planet is pretty rad! I ran it for a few sessions before, erm, stuff happened and we wound up wrapping it up earlier than I’d have liked. In my ever so humble opinion, I think if you’ve got space ships, lasers, aliens and robots, you can pull off SW just fine; however I’m sure others will say that it does planetary romance/sword-and-planet best, in the vein of Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers and John Carter of Mars.

  2. +Craig Hatler, I got interested in the possibility of running a Star Wars game after playing the X-Wing minis game a while back, and once I ran across that hack, I knew what system I’d be using if I did end up doing one.

  3. Craig Hatler  Planetary Romance/Sword-and-planet is essentially what SW is all about, predominantly thanks to Episodes IV and V. I’ve been reading the earlier drafts Lucas wrote and they’re much more in line with stuff like Flash Gordon and John Carter. It’s common knowledge but because of all the prequel-BS it’s easily forgotten or ignored. Regardless, this is great stuff!

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