Lol, just realized something about the Recruit special move.

Lol, just realized something about the Recruit special move.

Lol, just realized something about the Recruit special move. All the options for taking +1… You can lie through your teeth! You’ll get better rolls, but the hirelings ain’t going to be happy when they figure it out.

Would actually be pretty funny in practice. I can imagine a game, where a lot of the effort in having the hirelings is to make sure they don’t figure it out.

Also, if you have an evil streak, you can just kill them when they have lost their usefulness. Or use them as monster bait. As long as you don’t have to uphold your end of the bargain 😉

9 thoughts on “Lol, just realized something about the Recruit special move.”

  1. Well, if everyone you hire ends up dead, that’s going to ruin your reputation bonus, at least. And the people you do get, at least if I were GMing, are all gonna be either gullible or desperate, even of a 10+.

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