Originally shared by Kasper Brohus Allerslev
We’ll be playing the second half of our little adventure today. The elven Fighter, Falafael (played by Eric Nieudan) and the elven Druid Sinathel (played by Bastien Wauthoz) has discovered the culprits behind the murder of the burgermeister’s daughter!
Currently they are headed back to town to hire some extra hands, since they fear they might not be able to take on an entire cult themselves! Who will join them?
We figured it’d be fun to have some extra players join us at this moment, it would give the players some much needed help!
If you are game, post your preferred class here and create a roll20.net account, if you haven’t got one yet.
PS: You’ll have to be fluent in english
Ah my employer might not be so understanding, but I would certainly like to watch the fiction unfold. Any thoughts on recording the play session and posting it back here?
No, but I’ll make a blog update
Sounds good. Thanks and hope the session goes very well.