Play by Community
Sooo, after thinking about for a bit i think one could run DW in a community fairly well and i want to try it. (i could GM but would be happy to play too)
Here is how i think it would work.
You have a extra community for the game that is open for the public. Have extra discussion topics about the characters each. Players will describe their character and the GM can ask questions about them all at the same time. You of course have to read what other people are writing about their character.
When real play starts every “room” of the dungeon or whatever is a own post. Player will mainly post when the GM addressess them, saying “what do you do”. If someone want’s to do something directly he will post so and will be adressed by the GM on the next best opportunity. (this can get a bit wobbly but it can work out i think). More then 3 players + GM would be to much i think.
Have a sepperate discussion for the world where every detail that is revealed get’s archive.
Would anyone be interested in trying that?
having people in the same timezone would be helpfull as well as figuring out dates with high or low “availability”
That might be a cool idea. Would be interested.
i was sure you would.
Play by post on a G+ Community? Sign me UP!
I’d be very interested to watch and learn. From a distance. ^_^
No problem Юрий Ёжикович
That sounds awesome. I’d love to give it a shot.
My desire to play Dungeon World is conflicting with the fact that the pacing of PbP always drives me insane.
it’s a big experiment. I want to see how it goes basically.
and now i am afraid it will be to much work for not enough pay off… Thanks Dylan.
Me too.
Honestly, I think it’s a great way to organize a PbP game. I’m just not a fan of PbP.
I think the key to PbP is to A) go in with expectations of a “leisurely” pace, at best, and B) Be prepared to say that the deathtrap dungeon just goes and kills the people who inevitably drop out and stop responding. (But send them a ping asking them what’s up, first, definitely!)
PbP is not for everyone. I see tabletop gaming as hobby-feasting every fortnight or so. PbP is snacking on your hobby daily.
As for me, my tabletop options are too limited, so PbP is my only viable option. Plus, I’ve come to enjoy the writing aspect of it.
PbP can work wonders if you treat it like one shot con games, small focus and very low expectations.
I’ll try it, Tim. When do we start?
when we are ready i suppose. At least everyone needs to have his character build and presented (including bonds)
So best probabyl each write up a character, when that’s done look at the other people’s characters and expand background, create bonds?
What I wonder: When we, during character reation, come up with something about the world, shoudl we put it in the “World” category? Or would it maybe be even better to create a google doc, that everyone of us could edit, and compile the known world information there?
Any particular setting?
not really, i take what you give me for now and then add my own stuff per questions.