When you wield the Scepter of the Apocalypse Dragon to set a disaster in motion, roll +cha. On a 10+, it happens as you desire it. On a 7-9, it gets out of hand, dealing more damage than you intended. On a miss, in addition to whatever move the GM makes, mark a box on a countdown called “The Awakening”.


When you wield the Orb of the Apocalypse Dragon, you may breathe forth the elements: when you do so roll +str. On a 10+, deal your class damage to any number of targets you can see, and inflict such effects are as appropriate for being engulfed in flame or ice or whatnot. On a 7-9, you will deal your class damage to some additional targets of the GM’s choice, possibly including yourself. On a miss, in addition to whatever move the GM makes, mark a box on a countdown called “The Awakening”.


When you spend an hour or two meditating while wearing the Crown of the Apocalypse Dragon, lose any hold you had from it and roll +int. On a 10+, hold 3, on a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss, in addition to whatever move the GM makes, mark a box on a countdown called “The Awakening”. You may spend this hold to act with perfect foresight: describe how you do so and take +2 to any roll.

When any of these artifacts’ countdowns reach six boxes marked, their power is depleted, and the Apocalypse Dragon stirs in its slumber: all the world feels it. When all of the artifacts have done so, the Apocalypse Dragon awakens. Nice job, hero.


  1. Look man, to do it, do it. If you want to say “Okay, I don the crown, and scream and roll around in horror for an hour as my mind is assaulted by visions of doom”, then I as a GM would not disapprove.

  2. Wait, so you have three separate countdowns all labeled “The Awakening”?

    Also, the wording implies that you could mark a box on any of those three countdowns regardless of what artifact was used…

  3. Well, presumably you write each countdown next to the artifact in question on your character sheet, or maybe a little index card with the artifact’s name and move on it.

  4. I feel that players of Dungeon World are devious fuckers who are able to read between the lines and discover/create bizarre hidden properties of the written rules, for good or for awesome.

    However, perhaps I have divined your intent here.

  5. It’s a fair cop. This was mostly me going “You know, I just tossed that off the cuff of my head as an example magic item, but I kind of want to complete the set now!” and writing it up in a few minutes. It could obviously use some polishing.

  6. Well, it does give the GM some interesting flexibility in the countdowns.

    The GM could totally race one artifact to depletion, or keep them all up until they massively cascade fail right before the apocalypse. They could also determine what order they fail in.

    Also, that means the players can’t really be SURE how many uses a specific artifact has left.

  7. Mmmm! Totally legit option: the DM rolls 1d6 and adds 3, and that’s the number of boxes each artifact has, and it is kept a secret from the PCs.

  8. Thanks for the heads-up, Mark Diaz Truman! And these things are really cool, Ben! 

    Question/suggestion: I love it when the players, themselves, must make the hard choices. When you give them great power, but at great cost, as opposed to at great risk.

    In addition to the rules as written, what if you gave the wielder the option to use the item at a 10+, if they willingly mark off an Awakening box? You could avoid using it, risk a terrible outcome so that you might get an awesome outcome, or just plain bring doomsday closer to do what you need to do right now, this second. 

    It might not work so great for the Crown, though. Maybe just for the Scepter and Orb.

  9. Oooo! Oooo! Another thought!

    If you use any of these items after the Awakening track of that particular item is full, and you would mark off another box, then the servants of the Apocalypse Dragon are alerted to where you are, and they are coming for you. 

    If you use any of these items after the Apocalypse Dragon has awakened (all three tracks are full), and you would mark off another box, then the Apocalypse Dragon is alerted to where you are, and it is coming for you, and it is angry. 

  10. Oo, very nice – consider it stolen as I have a slumbering dragon in the campaign I’m currently running…

    When the Apocalypse Dragon has destroyed the world jump 50 years into the future and play AW 🙂

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