Adventures on Dungeon Planet: A science fantasy supplement for Dungeon World. on Dungeon Planet: A science fantasy supplement for Dungeon World.
Adventures on Dungeon Planet: A science fantasy supplement for Dungeon World.
Right on!
Super psyched!
And ordered.
Now to wait for Lulu to get around to giving me the PDF.
OMG. Want.
This looks great.
Sweet Babay Jesus!
MARCHBOOKS13 for 20% off.
Also, so very ordered.
Will there be a discount like that for those of us who have to wait until the 1st to order?
Bruce Baugh There’s a code every month. Just replace the month with either APR or APRIL.
Code used and book purchased! Also welcome Johnstone Metzger to the world of Google+!
Thanks, Jason.
Thank you all. If somebody could please let me know if the pdf-link in the thank you email thing works or not, I’d appreciate it because I haven’t tried it before.
I will tell you once I get the Thank you email
I played this in PDF and shit it was great.
Ordered. This immediately made me want to run a game based on Jack Vance’s Tschai books.
Ordered in print and PDF!
This is well timed, as we might be looking for a new game next week!
Should I be getting the Pdf In the Lulu download section or in a second email?
John Marron I re-read City of the Chasch while I was writing this.
Vincent Quigley They should send you an email with a note and a link to a download page where the pdf costs zero dollars.
It should say “A Lulu Thank You” in the subject line.
It took a bit longer than expected for my PDF download email to come through, but I got it now. Yay!
Yup, I’m confirming that the PDF link works.
So awesome. Can’t wait to purchase and read this tonight!
Yep I got the email and the pdf. Now the wait for the physical book begins.
Just purchased the pdf, without hesitation as I saw that post.
I know other works by Johnstone Metzger and I bet this one will be awesome like the others.
I’m about 2/3 of the way thru the book so far, and I’m really digging it.
It’s neat because Dark Heart of the Dreamer didn’t really “click” for me, but reading thru Dungeon Planet, I’m suddenly seeing a dozen ways I can moosh the two books together.
Sir, this is relevant to my interests and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Any review underway?
Lulu has to give up the pdf first.
Joshua Burnett Oh good! I think whatever applies to planets can apply to planes as well, and vice versa.
Ok taking the dive love me some DW so this can only be something great :).
Looks like my Dis is gonna have to assimilate a rocket launch pad!
John Zo Probably a safer path to the celestial spheres than making your way up the Apocalypse Tower.
This looks great. Ordered. I now want to run a hollow earth campaign that incorporates some or all of these elements.
Also, this has inspired me to download a lot of Edgar Rice Burroughs books and I started reading “The Princess of Mars” last night.
Bought the PDF. Looks fun!
Anyone know how long it takes for Lulu to give up the pdf and send the Thank You e-mail? Nearly a day since I ordered, but haven’t received it. Very excited to read this book !
I received my print copy today and it looks great. Not a bad turnaround considering I ordered it on Saturday.
As to how long the pdf takes to be sent, i got my download link for the bonus pdf copy the same day as when I ordered ( Mar 30th).
Erich Lichnock If Lulu doesn’t get it to you, send me an email and I’ll hook you up.
+Johnstone Metzger I’ll give ’em until tonight (Asia time), after which I’ll definitely do that. Cheers!