When you make a ritual offering to Correllon and show your martial prowess or when you learned Blade Magic from an…

When you make a ritual offering to Correllon and show your martial prowess or when you learned Blade Magic from an…

When you make a ritual offering to Correllon and show your martial prowess or when you learned Blade Magic from an Eladrin

Wizard of the Spiral Tower twisting Blade Compendium Class 

Yeah guys, i made a Swordmage. 

When i started i wanted to make something that would have let you forget spells for bonus damage and other effects but it was way to complicated (i must see more of Wizards in long form game before trying something like that) but the version right now should work. 

Also (there seems to be a pattern here) based on Orem Rivendorn played by Major Spoilers s Stephen Schleicher  on the Critical Hit Podcast. 

15 thoughts on “When you make a ritual offering to Correllon and show your martial prowess or when you learned Blade Magic from an…”

  1. Richard Robertson i just think Fighter/Mage is not a Class concept. It’s literally saying Class X + Class Y. The class would have to be different enough from both Wizard and Fighter. You would need a different way of casting or a different spell list. 

    Making different options for “Swordmages” in form of Comp. Classes works better i think. 

    There are still other ways you can interpret this, like the 4e swordmage that teleports around to DEFEND his allies or someone that can channel specific magiks into his blade for different effects or the Runebound Mage in a giant plate mail covered in protective runes etc. 

    Comp Classes work way better to present the multiple ways of martial magic. 

  2. Yes, +Tim Franzke, that’s probably true.  I’m not a fan of Compendium Classes, maybe because many of them are inspired by games or classes I’m not familiar with.  I do like this one, though.  However, I’ve gravitated away from The Wizard, toward The Mage.  Any plan to make something like this for Mages?

  3. Can’t a Mage just channel his Black Magic into a Sword and flavour his spell like that? 

    Maybe a move that allows you to Counterspell an existing spell by cutting it (Like a Dresden Files Warden Sword)

  4. NO! You get transported to a plane! Like the one that explodes in Iron Man 3 or the one where Bane kidnapps the Professor from or one of the Planes of Top Gun! 

    grumbles and changes text

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