When you accidently summoned a major God or Demon you can take this move… yadda yadda yadda

When you accidently summoned a major God or Demon you can take this move… yadda yadda yadda

When you accidently summoned a major God or Demon you can take this move… yadda yadda yadda

When you miss a Cast a Spell Move your failed magiks summon

* an Elder Elemental

* A Demon of the brazen Legion

* An Archangel

* A Devil of the 7th Circle

GM choice 

8 thoughts on “When you accidently summoned a major God or Demon you can take this move… yadda yadda yadda”

  1. the idea is, that on this case the GM doesn’t get amove per se. When you fail a casting – this happens (and not something else). 

    This is also not really supposed to be a real DW thing but is relating to accidental summoning in BW. When you fail a casting there is a 1 in 6 chance that your magic summons a beeing. Could be an imp, could be a demon, could be a major god. 

    In one BW game they had a character prone to this kind of thing happening and he got a trait that raised the chance of such a thing happening. 

    I was just throwing something together that would work like this in DW. 

    BUT this move isn’t actually “balanced” in any way. Even if your chances of rolling a 6- are small, you will summon a very nasty beeing quite often in this way and this could mess the game up pretty fast. 

  2. I supposed that, if a move points out a 6- result than this either

    A: Dictates the GM move to be this/Replaces the Move

    B: Dictates a specific kind of move

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