I couldn’t find this in the book, and if anyone can point out the page in case I missed it, that would be great: buuuuuuut, I couldn’t find where it was how much +bond is, and I think I remember reading in an early draft that +bond is equal to the number of bonds you have with another character. Can anyone confirm?
I couldn’t find this in the book, and if anyone can point out the page in case I missed it, that would be great:…
I couldn’t find this in the book, and if anyone can point out the page in case I missed it, that would be great:…
““When a move has you roll+Bond you’ll count the number of bonds you have with the character in question and add that to the roll.”
Page 45 in the ePub version at my choice of fonts. It’s in Step 12 of character creation.
Thanks Michael Llaneza
It’s a reminder to put important stuff in more than one place, and certainly not in character creation.
That just means the bonus is either 1 or 0, correct? There’s no situation in which you would have multiple bonds with the same person, right?
Why not?
For each Bond you have with a person, you get +1 when rolling to Aid or Interfere with them.