I’ve been looking over the dungeon starters and playbooks and similar documents and I was wondering – what programs are people using to build their customisations into this nice layouts? Is it InDesign, or some alternative?
I’ve been looking over the dungeon starters and playbooks and similar documents and I was wondering – what programs…
I’ve been looking over the dungeon starters and playbooks and similar documents and I was wondering – what programs…
I summon Patrick Henry Downs
Indigo Galleon was made in InDesign.
I use Scribus to make all of my playbooks.
I don’t know what fonts are used in Dungeon World books or else I would design something cool for those too.
I was looking at Scribus, is it easy to use?
Not at all. It’s very quirky and a pain in the ass to get accustomed to. But, it did only take me a good week or two before I figured out all of it’s painful quirks and really was able to start making something useful that also looked good. I think if you dive in and force yourself to make something you’ll learn how to use it pretty quickly.
Thanks, will have to give it a shot
Did Scribus ever get a working undo? I was using it around v1.3 and the undo would only go a single step, if it worked at all.
Control+Z usually works for me. I’ve undo’ed quite a bit!
The starters I made used GIMP, Inkscape, and OpenOffice. Mostly Georgia font.
So you didn’t use a publishing layout tool at all? Just graphics tools and OO?
Yep, I started out in Word. Then my laptop died and my new one didn’t come with MS Office. I kinda liked the idea that anyone could replicate the format with free software though.
Marshall Miller what did you use inkscape for? Vector graphics? Layout? Something else?
(I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s possible to use inkscape to do simple layouts, which would free me from InDesign, which would be awesome.)
John Zo Junk, you’re so right. Brain fart. I used Inkscape for a DW themed beer label around the same time.