Has anybody had a ranger’s “forgetful” animal companion cause trouble they can tell about?

Has anybody had a ranger’s “forgetful” animal companion cause trouble they can tell about?

Has anybody had a ranger’s “forgetful” animal companion cause trouble they can tell about? Not a big deal–but I’m trying to bring everything on the character sheets in, eventually, and it being “frightening” certainly caused a dust-up when taking it into the overcrowded city. But a companion that does what the ranger wants and (so far) has never been away from the ranger’s side doesn’t seem to have much to forget.

So I wanted to hear people’s stories and ideas.

3 thoughts on “Has anybody had a ranger’s “forgetful” animal companion cause trouble they can tell about?”

  1. well if you give the animal a command that takes longer then 10 seconds or 30 seconds to fullfill it will start to forget what it actually should do and do something else. 

    Think of a crazy profesor type. 

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