Here’s a thing I made. Tags of Death:32 location tags for Dungeon World. They’re keyed to the monster settings (4 tags per setting) with a randomizer table and some procedures for mapping them to your campaign. I’m using these now with my current DW campaign. They pretty much mapped straight onto the map I already had.
Enjoy! Feedback appreciated.
For a while you were illustrating cards. Why not convert this into 8 suits of 6 cards and illustrate?
Yeah, that’s not a bad idea!
If they’re full sized cards they can have the description on the card. If they’re the little half-sized Fantasy Flight Games cards, they’re only a bit bigger than a raddish and you could just lay them out on the table… (or trace around them on a sheet of paper)
tony dowler that’s really cool, thanks for sharing. I got the urge to get out a blank piece of paper, a pen and some dice and create a map.
Super nifty. I’m going to play this game.
Niiice! May steal this for Planarch’s Codex plane-generation.
And by “steal” I mean “utilize as a generously freely released gaming resource”, of course.
Yeah, I think it would work great for plane generation. I was thinking of using it to generate precincts too, but I think that needs a different set of tags.
Totally going to use this method. Well done.
This is awesome.
Great stuff. The “drop the die” part reminded me of this from Vornheim (I only read this “product spotlight”, not the book). Maybe you’ll be interedsted.
Yeah, I’m a fan of Vornheim
Instead of flipping a coin a bunch of times, I rolled a bunch of small dice on the paper, and then used the number rolled to roughly determine how big the patch should be. The result was interesting, though I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to actually use it.
That’s an interesting idea. I definitely like the idea of the patches being different sizes (and maybe shapes too), but I haven’t tried out any different ways of including that in the mechanics. Let us know how it works out!
Drop rings of different sizes onto paper. Hold ring and draw inside ring only…