Next DW demo map found.
Originally shared by Joshua Burnett
It’s Monday Map time! Today we have a rocketship crashed into a goblin lair. Wow! DW demo map found.
Next DW demo map found.
Originally shared by Joshua Burnett
It’s Monday Map time! Today we have a rocketship crashed into a goblin lair. Wow! are closed.
Thanks, man!
This is amazing!
When you bask in the glow of the core, Roll + CON…
Nice blog!
That’s what DW needs: mutation rules.
Thanks a lot Josh and Adam now I’m thinking about how to implement a mutation mechanic in DW (which I kinda wanted to do anyway but still).
metamorphica. apply liberally.
I”m stealing that name because it’s better than anything I could have come up with.
I’ve been contemplating a DW Gamma World hack (Apocalypse World notwithstanding), so yes, I’m extremely happy now!
Joshua Burnett check out World of Mutants if you can find it around anywhere.
Ooh! Thanks for the tip!
Occurs to me that this Metamorphica is also peeeeerfect for coming up with unique looks for Dis inhabitants.
Metamorphica has seen use in my DCC, Burning Wheel and DW games more than once since I got a copy. Fantastically cool.
Hey Ben Wray tell us about your metamorphicae.
Oh yeah! I ran a campaign of World of Dungeons via google hangouts using the “Swords of the Chaos Lords” campaign idea in the back of the Metamorphica. The PC had super-strength and reflexes, the ability to walk through shadow and go two-dimensional (which we decided was shadowform), a crown of black bone that lit on fire when he got angry… and a mutant feature that rolled up “oily anus”. Needless to say, his first quest was trying to find a cure for that affliction. Enemy chaos champions were fun as well, like “Okay, he’s a metal-skinned weeasel-crossbreed whose body constantly generates a sheet of ice, and he’s got a kickass demon-sword!”
Awesome map Joshua
reminds me of old-old-old school D&D modules.
Adam Koebel Huh, turns out I already own that PDF and forgot all about it.
Thanks Nicholas Bronson! That’s exactly the feel I was hoping for.
I can’t remember the module, but I know one of the really early ones involved… I think it was lizardmen, a space ship and intersteller, high-tech travellers. Thats what popped into my head the second I looked at the map
What did you use to make the map? Is it a freehand ink sketch, or a computer-drawn map?
There’s the classic “Expedition to Barrier Peaks” adventure that may or may not have been some small influence.
I drew the map (and all the maps on the blog) freehand using Faber-Castle illustration pens on heavy-bond paper.
I think thats the one I was thinking of. Been a while since I read through them
Beautiful mapping, makes me weep with jealousy.
Thank you, sir!