When you try to find a place you have heard of within Hogwarts roll + INT on a hit you find it before you are needed elsewhere. On a 10+ you discover some new facet of the castle. On a miss you are called away before you can find it. Someone is upset with you.
When you rush through the halls of Hogwarts to find or lose someone roll + CHA. On a hit you catch or lose them. On a 10+ you do so in a timely manor. On a miss you get caught or lose your quarry and the GM may make a Hard Move against you.
When you wander the halls of Hogwarts aimlessly roll + WIS. On a 10+ your GM will offer you a Golden Opportunity. On a 7-9 you are unbothered in your perambulations. On a miss you open yourself up to a Hard Move.
Please make write-ups for the House “classes”. Can’t wait for Hogwarts World!
“Golden Opportunity” is used in DW as a time for the DM to make a hard move against the PCs. You might want to use different phraseology there.
I might do just that. I’m still noodling with Boarsdraft (HP with the serial numbers filed off) but if people want to see a DW hack for it I’m game.
Thanks Joel Watkins I thought about that but I wasn’t sure.
When you try to tell an adult about anything that does not fit their preconceptions roll + CHA. On a hit you don’t get into trouble for speaking up. On a 10+ they take you seriously enough to look for confirming evidence. On a miss, you are risking detention.
When you get into a fight roll + STR. On a hit your opponents have to visit the Hospital Wing. On a 10+ you don’t get into trouble over it. On a miss you are in the Hospital Wing and in hot water.
When you stand up for someone take a String on them and then roll + CON. On a hit they don’t get hurt or in trouble. On a 10+ you don’t get hurt or in trouble either. On a miss you both are hurt, in trouble, or both.
When you do something that earns you House Points (HM’s call) you earn 1 Popularity.
When you do something that looses you House Points (HM’s call) you earn -1 Popularity.
When you ask someone for a favor and give them a String on you then if they do it they mark XP.
When you want a character to show up where you are and you have a String on them, burn that String and if at all conceivable they will show up.
When you try to get a group to do something that is in their obvious best interest roll + Popularity. On a hit they do what you suggest if you reset your Popularity to zero. On a 10+ if things go well for the group you mark XP. On a miss they don’t do what you want but you keep your Popularity.
If you are looking for a fuller set of rules look for my post over in Powered by the Apocalypse.
What’s Boarsdraft? And can you post a link to the forum?
Boarsdraft is my Harry-Potter-with-the-serial-numbers-filed-off game. There are two other versions floating around out there that are not AW hacks. One is more laser focused of solving mysteries and the other is a total experiment using Mancala as the main mechanic. This is something like the 10th version I’ve toyed with but only the third to see the light of day.
Have you run it? It sounds really interesting.
I never did, I parlayed the idea of “failure/partial success/success/over success” into a system that is a bit more granular and allows players to build their characters skills over time in a more traditional mode. The system also has a graduated system of difficulty. Rather than having specific results for each failure/over success I made two balancing lists of Hard Moves and Soft Moves. That sounds interesting to you, check out: http://atthetablegames.com/boarsdraft/
Crap, I have not fixed this page yet that is one of the older versions. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh4vhjcm2kinxgs/Boarsdraft_v5.1.pdf
There is the the game I was talking about.
Thanks, I’ll take a look.
Let me know what you think!