Magic item: A rare book.

Magic item: A rare book.

Magic item: A rare book.

Book:  The real life adventures of Captain Horatio Bartleby.

When you try to make a mermaid fall in love with you order to survive a mermaid attack you will need

-Soap. Mermaids won’t be impressed by dirty swabs.

-Jellyfish gel for your hair.

-A fancy hat. Mermaids love fancy feathered hats.

-A musical instrument, and a fair ability to play it.

-A good voice.

-Kraken Ink Cologne.

-A dashing demeanor.

-A plate of sushi.

-A tall tale to tell.


If you have at least four of these, take +1

Describe how you impress her and roll+Cha

On 10+, the mermaid falls in love with you and persuades her sisters to let your crew live. 

On 7-9, As above, but she follows you around and becomes jealous. When she thinks that you are cheating on her, she will take her revenge. 

My gaming day on Saturday:

My gaming day on Saturday:

My gaming day on Saturday:

09:00-12:00  Merchants and Marauders, the definitive Pirate board game, and the only game I ever gave “10” on BGG. 

13:00-16:00 Pathfinder Society: Rescuing a wayward heiress (a bit like Paris Hilton?) from her evil father.

19:00-22:00 DUNGEON WORLD! My first face to face DW game as a player. One of the guys in our regular group (he is 12th grade in high school) decided he wanted to GM. I did not even know if he read the rules, so I went with slight reservations… Then he opened the game with: “You find yourself in a forest. It is high summer but you are cold. There is frost in your hair and in your clothes. You lie on a bed of broken ice. You remember nothing – not even your name.” OK, I was hooked immediately. The story proceeded from there as a mystery as the characters tried to find out who they were and ended in an abandoned castle fighting a werewolf demon thingy that could summon darkness like a cloud of smoke and run upside down on the ceiling. Scary bastard – he did 2d12 damage and had a few of us piddling our pants. 

DW is the first RPG he ever played, and this was his first time as GM. 

Thomas, if you read this, WELL DONE! WE’RE COMING BACK FOR MORE!

Ok, this is already a week old, but as DW is about telling stories, check this out!

Ok, this is already a week old, but as DW is about telling stories, check this out!

Ok, this is already a week old, but as DW is about telling stories, check this out!

So here is the Automaton of the evolving Clockpunk.  (I think I settled on his name – Clockpunk.)

So here is the Automaton of the evolving Clockpunk.  (I think I settled on his name – Clockpunk.)

So here is the Automaton of the evolving Clockpunk.  (I think I settled on his name – Clockpunk.)


You have created an independent clockwork agent, the size of a rat. It’s artificial intelligence is based on clockwork mechanisms harnessing zero-point time-space sourcery. It is roughly as smart  as a trained monkey or a stupid goblin. 

Choose its form: arachnoid, insectoid, reptiloid or  animaloid.

It has a mechanical eye and can record everything it sees, to be read later by anybody with the technological know how. 

Choose  2 upgrades

It is stealthy.

It can squeeze through very small openings. 

It can fly with mechanical propellers or wings. 

It is waterproof and can move under water with no problem.

It has mechanical ears and can record sound also.

It has an inbuilt flintlock pistol and can deliver one shot for 1d6 damage at close range to a predetermined target. (Gunpowder has to stay dry!)

When you have wound the automaton you may send the automaton to scout, it will come back a bit later with information. It must be wound up for a few minutes before it can be used again. 

Automaton upgrade: Jump back

When you send your automaton to scout, it can jump back to the time you sent it out when it returns.  The effect is that for you, it takes the automaton no time to scout. 

You may send the automaton back in time for up to a few months or even years to scout for you and bring information back to the present. Remember that if your automaton changes history, you will know that before you send him back… (The past cannot be moved…)

Mechanical eye.

When you lost your eye in battle (or otherwise), the next time you level up you may install (with the help of healing magic) a mechanical eye in your eye socket. It is linked via a zero-point time-space rift to your automaton, so you see everything it sees in real time, even if it is scouting the past.