This well crafted blade seems to be of exceptional quality, at least at first glance. Once it is used however, it is revealed to be quite average. It is also cursed, compelling the user to only wield it and no other weapon. While cursed, you can never bring any other weapon to bear and you treat all of your modifiers as +1.
I feel like regular animals should get some more love in Dungeon World.
I feel like regular animals should get some more love in Dungeon World. We had a session where a player’s class was supposed to get a move of the beast he made a trophy from, but it was just a bear. We resolved that, but it took longer than it should have. Has anyone seen a resource made that has regular animals made up for dungeon world? I could make them myself, but I figured if it has been made already, it saves me some time.
So this is gonna be random, but I just realized something that has slipped by me and the other GM in our DW games.
So this is gonna be random, but I just realized something that has slipped by me and the other GM in our DW games.
Quest gives you some great bonuses, but one that is chosen often in our games is a freedom from hunger, thirst and sleep. It gets used to allow one member of the party to keep watch all night and everyone loves it.
However, we failed to notice that in the make camp text, it specifically says you heal after a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.
We’ve been having the person with Quest heal even though they haven’t slept! I couldn’t believe we had never thought of it.
Hey guys! I made a couple Dungeon World related items over on my Zazzle store. Mainly shirts, but I figured I would share them on here in case anyone had been looking for something like that. If you would like to see any of the designs on something else besides apparel, just let me know and I can try to get it up in the store. Thanks!
What’s a monster your party has encountered, fought, then were lucky to escape alive from and never wanted to face…
What’s a monster your party has encountered, fought, then were lucky to escape alive from and never wanted to face it again?
Mine would be Bakunawa, which they encountered as a serpent goddess for a tribe of lizard people. She appeared as a beautiful woman to the Barbarian, who was quick to attack. She proceeded to mop the floor with the party through strong hits and stealthy skirmish tactics, but a few good rolls brought her down to near death, upon which she disappeared into the swamp. The party breathed a sigh of relief, some of them were near death, and chose not to pursue her further. Anytime it’s brought up since then the Barbarian’s player cringes a bit lol
So I had a recent game that produced an effect in Dungeon World that I love about the system.
So I had a recent game that produced an effect in Dungeon World that I love about the system. I used a Mimic to give the players an interesting encounter. The evil dwarves were using it to loot the elf town. It was in the treasury, eating gold and gemstones to take back to its masters. In this case, the Mimic was more of a construct than an aberration. The Barbarian and Psionic had a real tough time with it, though the Barbarian was currently in am uncontrollable werewolf transformation, so she wasn’t getting to do much. The Psionic failed a roll the first time to use her psychic powers on it, so that established it was immune to mental powers. She levitated it after, but we had said it was extremely heavy with gold so it was more like an air hockey puck than a floating helpless thing. It was funny and scary at the same time.
I love the way Dungeon World makes this kind of encounter seamless. You put down your normal perspective of a creature when it gets mentioned, but then it turns into something more interesting through failed rolls and whatnot. It can turn a normal monster into a scary boss in the blink of an eye.
When you enter the ruins of the ancient mead hall, you come upon dusty skeletons and the spirits of the warriors who fell fighting for the Crow King. They seem not to notice you as they continue to drink and sing their eternal songs of valor and heroism. A magnificent stein sits unattended on the central table. It seems to glow subtly as you approach. As you near it, a ghostly woman lifts the stein and hands it to you, offering you the ale that still sloshes within. When you accept the offer of mead from the ghostly woman, roll+CON. On a 10+, you drink heartily and soon find that the decrepit mead hall has become full of life as if it were new. You carouse with the spirits and after a night of drunken revelry you awaken with some bit of ancient knowledge, a gifted weapon or some other useful boon, as well as possibly a few new scars or a tattoo. On a 7-9, the same, but you also traded something of yours, which is nowhere to be found. On a 6-, the party never ends for you. Your spirit joins the eternal revelry.
If you refuse the drink, the spirits will take up their old skeletons and show their disapproval of your decision.
Special Qualities: Can only be seen by children and the pure of heart, appears randomly to those who have seen it and escaped, faceless, body of shadows
• Appear to those who have seen it, in reality or their dreams
• Vanish without a trace
• Lure them away
• Take them from this world
Long ago a man, who’s name has been forgotten, loved a maiden with all of his heart and soul. She did not return his affection however, which led the man to seek other methods. He went deep into the dark forest to the hovel of a witch. She told him she could help, but her magic requires at least some feelings to exist before it could take hold. She had to give him a kiss, freely, and her heart would be his. If he could not open her heart before the moon disappeared from the night sky, then his own heart would shrivel and his soul would be cursed to never find peace.
He went to his love, hopeful to at least gain a kiss from her, but yet again his advances fell on deaf ears. When the moon was but a sliver in the sky, the man grew desperate and tried to force himself upon her. He was thwarted when the lord of the town came upon them. The man was taken by guards and soon died from the curse during his torturous punishment, being stretched on a rack.
After the man’s death, the lord and maiden married. Their first child, a girl, grew to the age of seven before disappearing on a night when the moon had left the sky. To this day, people say that any who are innocent should not enter the forest on moonless nights, or else they may be stolen away by a faceless figure, tall and thin as if it had been stretched too far.
So if you see your child staring into the forest at night, or they begin to draw strangely thin men with pale, featureless heads and bodies of darkest black, heed this warning. The Faceless Man is coming for them…
I noticed a couple of things while I was converting the playbooks from the Dungeon World website over to my custom…
I noticed a couple of things while I was converting the playbooks from the Dungeon World website over to my custom layout. First, the Providence move has the text for Greater First Aid in it. Second, the Druid has the Barbarian’s “Healthy Distrust” move in their 6-10 moves. Thats all I’ve seen so far, but I figured I would just point those two things out.