This is so Perilous WIlds. Pete does it again.
Originally shared by P Mullen
Giants like to catch things.
This is so Perilous WIlds. Pete does it again.
This is so Perilous WIlds. Pete does it again.
Originally shared by P Mullen
Giants like to catch things.
Sounds very very familiar my fellow Freebooters!
Sounds very very familiar my fellow Freebooters!
Zeitgeist aside, this is an extremely cool reminder on minimal GM prep.
Zee Bashew
Hey Jason Lutes
Hey Jason Lutes,
Here are the further adventures of Raggalto the aspiring sorcerer…
So Jason Lutes, I’ve been playtesting the 2nd ed rules in an interesting way!
So Jason Lutes, I’ve been playtesting the 2nd ed rules in an interesting way!
My dad gave me this cool dragon leather covered tome for my birthday, but the rice paper thin blank pages are no good really for drawing.
I’ve stuck in the collected rules for 2e in page by page. Old skool 80’s style, just like I did back at high school. I’ve used ALL the random tables, generated a cool PC named ‘Raggalto the Cruel’ (a wizard), and followed the See the frontier rules using only what I garnered from FbotF (not PW).
The results have been a solo game of fantastic adventure! Raggalto hangs out in the caves underneath a tavern in the frontier village of Storms Reach. He hopes to explore the nearby ruined tomb of the Dread Priest Azred and secure some greater Magic’s than his ‘Soil Blade’ spell.
I’ll make the dungeon unique areas / dangers / creatures / discoveries up on the fly as he pushes his luck or ventured forth. He may need some fighty hierlings first though!
Loving the updates so far, and can’t wait to continue the tween girl gang game next holidays. But until then the solo adventures of Raggalto are super fun to play through.
Mike wants to play Dungeon World.
Mike wants to play Dungeon World.
Hey Jason Lutes, when you are rolling for settlements in FotF 2e, are the tables forthcoming in Book 2: Civilization…
Hey Jason Lutes, when you are rolling for settlements in FotF 2e, are the tables forthcoming in Book 2: Civilization and Savagery, much different from the discovery tables in the Perilous Wilds?
I only ask caus that’s how we made Gumtree Hollow’s detail and problem. But now that the girls are exploring a little further afield we’ve been using the same process from the discovery tables in PW. Is that the intended way to ‘look to the horizon’?
My 11 year old daughter said she wanted to Map the world of our new 2nd ed game thus far ‘neatly’.
My 11 year old daughter said she wanted to Map the world of our new 2nd ed game thus far ‘neatly’.
This is what she came up with. OMG gamer kid pride!
Spent a lazy stormy Sunday morning following the 2nd Ed.character gen and ‘See the Frontier’ guidelines with the…
Spent a lazy stormy Sunday morning following the 2nd Ed.character gen and ‘See the Frontier’ guidelines with the tween girl gang. We had no character sheets, so I acted as scribe whilst the girls randomly rolled / card draw for EVERYTHING, and they drew the map as the frontier unfolded.
They rolled two hirsute dwarven fighters (Brother and sister) Both with a missing finger and gentle, caring demeanours.
A scarred human thief envious and ‘naughty’ (rather than chaotic)
and an obese (Ana rolled ‘overfed’ twice) human cleric.
Ancient swampy battlefield of Giants?! And the home base is a tavern called the ‘scoundrel’s goblet’? Super sauce😊
Hey Jason Lutes!
Hey Jason Lutes! Am I able to get my hands on 2e to dabble around with? The tween girls WoDu game has ramped up to the next level, and rather than go full DW, I wanna throw FBotF at them.
Thanks so much mate 🙂
The Fighter in your party ever wanted to slay a Sea Drake? Well now you know where one lives…
The Fighter in your party ever wanted to slay a Sea Drake? Well now you know where one lives…
Randy M is your go-to guy for fantastic location maps to insert into your Dungeon World.
Originally shared by Randy M
And to put the previous post into perspective, from a fantasy map point of view, here’s the interior of Candle Rock.