Grim World character playbooks (Español)

Grim World character playbooks (Español)

Grim World character playbooks (Español)

I just made this spanish version of the playbooks from Grim World. They are meant to be used in Google Docs, to facilitate sharing the characters in online games. They are licensed as CC BY 3.0 and they are editable, so they can be easily translated to other languages. For convenience, there is also a zip file with the seven playbooks in pdf format.

Thanks to Trenton Kennedy for releasing Grim World under Creative Commons, and to Matt Smith for initiating me into Dungeon World.

Character Playbook template (compatible with Google Docs)

Character Playbook template (compatible with Google Docs)

Character Playbook template (compatible with Google Docs)

I would like to share this simple template that I made. It’s meant to be used in Google Docs, to facilitate sharing player characters in online games.

There is also a spanish version:

Both templates are publicly available in the Google Docs template gallery:

Grim World License

Grim World License

Grim World License

Last November I bought the pdf version of #GrimWorld and, in order to try it, I’m willing to translate the playbooks (and share this translation). I’ve read in the book that a CC BY 3.0 license would be added to the book by 2014, so I think that maybe the pdf I bought is a bit outdated, because I cannot find this license notice.

My question is: Is Grim World already licensed under CC BY 3.0? If not, is it ok sharing the playbooks translation?