Thought experiment: Druid’s homeland while the Druid is away

Thought experiment: Druid’s homeland while the Druid is away

Thought experiment: Druid’s homeland while the Druid is away

[Spoilers for Plantes Collide]

Suppose the Druid is away from her homeland, when an already established cursed place starts consuming everything there. Obviously, the Druid’s spirits would make an effort to alert her and try to get her to come back home.

But what if the Druid ignores their pleas?

Since Shapeshift requires the Druid to call upon the spirits, it seems like they could take her powers away until she began the journey home. But that seems heavy-handed. I wouldn’t want to do that unless they were utterly desperate.

Also, there’s a lot of cool stuff going on in different places. I want the character to feel pressure, but I don’t want to force the players to go that way.

How would you handle it as the GM?

This issue may not come up, but I don’t want to be unprepared.
