Looking through my Google Drive and found something I forgot about.
Here’s an adventure primer I created based on the Game of Thrones “Red Wedding”.
Looking through my Google Drive and found something I forgot about.
Looking through my Google Drive and found something I forgot about.
Here’s an adventure primer I created based on the Game of Thrones “Red Wedding”.
This bridge will be in a future game!
This bridge will be in a future game!
Session Zero 7: Halo, Fang and Horn is now for sale of DriveThru RPG for $2.99!
Session Zero 7: Halo, Fang and Horn is now for sale of DriveThru RPG for $2.99!
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/258081/Session-Zero-Issue-7–Halo-Fang-and-Horn?src=newestI just posted the cover for my next issue of Session Zero on Patreon and will be posting a sample of the text over…
I just posted the cover for my next issue of Session Zero on Patreon and will be posting a sample of the text over the weekend. The full text will be released next Wednesday. You can become a patron for $2 or purchase it in a couple weeks on DriveThruRPG for $2.99.
https://www.patreon.com/posts/sz7-cover-22263617?utm_medium=social&utm_source=googleplus&utm_campaign=postshareHere’s an announcement I made concerning the next issue of my Dungeon World zine Session Zero on Patreon yesterday.
Here’s an announcement I made concerning the next issue of my Dungeon World zine Session Zero on Patreon yesterday.
https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungeon-world-21976742Here’s a Module Mashup I posted on the ICRPG Community.
Here’s a Module Mashup I posted on the ICRPG Community. I have a bit of tweaking to do to it still but it takes some of my favorite modules and blends them together!
Originally shared by Brian Holland
Module Mashing
I’ve long thought that published modules are not only modular in the sense that you can easily drop them into your own game with just a little work, but also in the sense that every encounter IN them can be easily be dropped into your own game (again, with only a little work to make them mesh together).
This is something I put together as a way to reuse some cool bits from the modules I really love. It was a REALLY fun exercise and I think I’ll start to dig into some of my lesser-used modules to mash them together into new adventures as well!
What is the name of the online dice roller in which you give all of your players the link and everyone is in “the…
Originally shared by Brian Holland
What is the name of the online dice roller in which you give all of your players the link and everyone is in “the same room” for their rolls?
I have a link to it on my home computer but not here at work and I CANNOT think of what it’s called!
Just some campaign musings…
Just some campaign musings…
I read a lot of RPG material to generate ideas. In my one-on-one campaign my player established a red dragon named Kurdan Flamespitter, so I was reading through the D&D 3.5 Dragons of Eberron for inspiration and found a section about the different roles of dragons. I settled on “guardian” because I like the idea that Barbie (my player) THINKS Kurdan is just an evil red dragon, but in truth Kurdan Flamespitter is guarding something in the Fire Mountains (so named because of lots of volcanoes). I didn’t know what yet, but probably some MacGuffin.
Then, I was prepping Death Frost Doom (again) and realized that THAT is what Kurdan is guarding – the Duvan’Ku shrine high on the Frozen Peaks of Fire Mountain so that no-one can unleash the evil therein! I will have to change very little in DFD to make this work, so I’m super excited! The MacGuffin will be in a room in the shrine (probably 22, per the suggestion in DFD).
I don’t know if Barbie’s characters, Josephina, will even go there, but prepping that chunk of the game has helped me create several pieces of plot-point information for SL or DR rolls. She’s entering a library tonight and, while she’s looking for a specific piece of information about an abandoned village, I hope to be able to weave some of this in. If not, I still have it in my back pocket for later
Something cool happened last night (at least, I thought it was cool LOL).
Something cool happened last night (at least, I thought it was cool LOL). My friend playing a wizard had been reading through the D&D Rules Cyclopedia and asked “Hey, there’s a Cleric spell called Sticks to Snakes. Can we make up a wizard spell for that?”
I told him no, but he could perform a ritual. He’d need a stick, a snake skin and some fresh snake venom. He’d need to place the skin over the stick and dribble the venom over it, then fuse it all together with the magic of the ritual. Then he could break the “magic snake-stick” and toss it into a pile of sticks and they’d turn into snakes. His reply was “I’M DOING IT!!”.
That’s what the entire session was about last night. The stick and snakeskin were easy to obtain (he picked up enough to make 6, but I told him if he wanted to make more than three at a time it would require a LOT more ritual time), he rolled poorly on a DD+DEX to avoid getting bitten while attempting to get some venom, but the fighter’s antitoxin took care of that. They had to battle a pair of harpies to get to a place of power he’d used before, and then he performed the ritual.
I usually just have a wizard describe what a ritual looks like, but last night I also had the rest of the party (Fighter and Thief) hold off three progressively more difficult waves of snakes (normal, venomous, constrictor) so that he could complete it.
Jason was really excited and I said we’d end the session there, but before we did he said “I want to pick up about a dozen good, straight sticks and wrap them up into a tight bundle and put them in my pack.” I can’t wait to see what he does with his new toy!
Session Zero 7 is nearly complete, but I need some help generating a list of 50 “interesting features you’ll find in a village”.
Here’s a sample of the type of stuff I’m looking for…
1 a statue near the well that animates to defend the village
2 a dilapidated church on the village outskirts
3 a blind farmer who grows the best crops
4 a painting of an ancient scholar which will answer one question each day
5 an abandoned tower or keep
6 a hanging tree, complete with hangings old and new
If you create a feature I use in the table, you’ll get your name in the credits (inside front cover) of the issue!