It is complete!!! The class that I have been working on for the last few months is here.

It is complete!!! The class that I have been working on for the last few months is here.

It is complete!!! The class that I have been working on for the last few months is here.

I introduce to you the Shadow Hunter.

The Shadow Hunter is a dexterity/intelligence based class, that is built around a “daisy chain” style of fighting. It can blink/leap between enemies and deal incredible amounts of burst damage. This does not come without a cost thought. The Shadow Hunter has one of the lowest possible starting hit points that I know of, and has to rely on its evasive abilities in order to survive. Staying hidden is also a necessity to survive outside of combat. The perfect glass cannon. I have been told that this class is quite complicated and I suggest that everyone should first carefully read through the sheet before playing it.

 I based this class off of Nightcrawler from the X-Men Marvel comics and also off of Slark the Murloc Nightcrawler from DotA and I must admit it is probably the cheesiest class so far xD. I have a feeling it still has some flaws and is perhaps still too over powered so I am totally open to some constructive criticism. I am planning on publishing it on RPGNow soon and I will post the link soon! If this goes well, this will be the first of many cheesy character sheets.

Thanks to everyone who helped me make my first class!

It’s done! It’s been a long time sanding things down and tuning moves, but I believe it is ready! The download link will be up as soon as the publishing goes through. Probably tomorrow. If you’d like to support #streetratgames , feel free to purchase any of the other available playbooks, such as the Clockpunk or Bombardier.

PS: If there is demand for it, I would consider expanding this idea with more playbooks, (Herbology, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Aurory, etc.) Maybe even a written quest arc.

I’ve been toying with this playbook for several weeks now, and made some changes based on some friend’s advice,…

I’ve been toying with this playbook for several weeks now, and made some changes based on some friend’s advice,…

I’ve been toying with this playbook for several weeks now, and made some changes based on some friend’s advice, which I thought might warrant a re-share. Still heavily based on the Avatar cartoon series. I am still in need of commentary or play-tests, if anyone is interested – I haven’t had any opportunities to run it or play it myself.

Also adding Lemmo Pew , who had expressed some interest in seeing if some players were willing to try a slightly older version. 

As always, thanks all!

Hi guys

Hi guys

Hi guys

I just wanted to let you all know that my Harry Potter inspired class:”The Duelling Wizard and the Highly Derivative Playbook” will be out within the week on RPG Drivethru for free, through Street Rat Games. It’s a replacement for the default Wizard class and includes broom riding and familiars among other things. Also, awesome offensive spellcasting and wand mechanics sourced from the books, movies and videogames. It’s been extensively playtested and is thoroughly challenging at low levels and badass on high levels. The advanced moves are fresh to death. ‘Sall good.

I’ll post the link on this thread as soon as it’s out 🙂

Has anyone used alternate themes for the Mage alternate base class?

Has anyone used alternate themes for the Mage alternate base class?

Has anyone used alternate themes for the Mage alternate base class? The way it’s written, it looks like different themes could be brought in (the blood, the dawn, etc.)

So, has anyone done that? Tried a different theme?

Question about the Druid Shapeshifter move.

Question about the Druid Shapeshifter move.

Question about the Druid Shapeshifter move. Why does the 7-9 result of shapeshifter have no negative consequences? The 7-9 of just about every basic move has some consequences for the character except for this one. Considering how potentially powerful this move is (a creative player can use this move for just about anything and often avoids other rolls), why isn’t there a list of options for rolling 7-9 like there are in Cast a Spell, Arcane Art, etc?

Am I missing something?

Hello! I’m going to try my hand at building a Class, the Awakened Ape

Hello! I’m going to try my hand at building a Class, the Awakened Ape

Hello! I’m going to try my hand at building a Class, the Awakened Ape,

Inspired by Rise/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

I want there to be three Races to choose from, Chimpanzee, Gorilla, and Orangutan, but I’m not sure what the racial Moves should be. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The wait is over, or perhaps you already knew that?

The wait is over, or perhaps you already knew that?

The wait is over, or perhaps you already knew that? Be a know-it-all with The Prophet playbook, which is now available at RPG Drive Thru! Complete with the truly amazing art of Misha Polonsky  [whom you should commission without hesitation!].

Let me tell you, Misha Polonsky  worked on this piece for at least, like, three weeks, showing me about 10 or more thumbnails to get my input as the work evolved in detail – a lot more effort than I expected… and the results are seen in his fantastic work.

This playbook is available at the following link:–The-Prophet

Throwing this up for feedback.

Throwing this up for feedback.

Throwing this up for feedback. One of my PCs has been complaining about the thief class’s versatility, so I redid it a bit. Tell me what you guys think and if you have any comments or additions that would be appreciated as well. Thanks!

Updated with a ton of changes. I still think it needs some work though, and perhaps a rewrite for Trap Expert entirely.