In our dying days, a question–
In our dying days, a question–
How do you, as GMs, keep notes? I run my Freebooters games very very low prep, sometimes no prep depending on where things are at. I feel like I have the tools to come up with stuff on the fly well enough or roll for it. But I don’t always do a great job of taking note of what that stuff is. I have a moleskin I bring with me and jot things down–usually keywords–and it’s often enough to jog my memory when I’m writing up a session recap later (usually a few days later). Last session, though, I was pretty sleep deprived (isn’t parenthood a miracle), enough that I thought about calling things off, and I remember … next to nothing. My notes help a little, but not much, and I ended up just having to send out a message to the players asking them to refresh me on the events of the last session. I can’t help but think this could have been avoided by taking better notes on the front end?
So, what’s your note-taking process? How do you juggle taking notes with staying present in the fiction and being responsive/reactive to the players’ actions?