I have a World of Dungeons question.
So, I realize that no one probably plays to 10th level, but the RAW beg a question. At 10th level a player with maximum CON (+3) would be rolling 9 dice and keeping 10… Am I missing something?
I have a World of Dungeons question.
I have a World of Dungeons question.
So, I realize that no one probably plays to 10th level, but the RAW beg a question. At 10th level a player with maximum CON (+3) would be rolling 9 dice and keeping 10… Am I missing something?
I remember someone posting a DW monster creator/formatter via a web page, but could not find it.
I remember someone posting a DW monster creator/formatter via a web page, but could not find it. You could plug in values and answer questions and it would spit a neatly formatted monster.
Did I imagine it in some fever dream?
Is my search-fu just weak?
Here is my DW conversion for Man-Bait for the Soul Stealer by Terry Olson.
Here is my DW conversion for Man-Bait for the Soul Stealer by Terry Olson. This adventure is part of the 2018 DCC Free RPG Day module released yesterday to your FLGS. I hope you enjoy it.
In honor of Goodman Games’ awesome DCC FreeRPG Day submission for 2018, I am working on a DCC to DW conversion of…
In honor of Goodman Games’ awesome DCC FreeRPG Day submission for 2018, I am working on a DCC to DW conversion of Man-Bait for the Soul Stealer. Between this and the conversion of Portal Under the Stars that Mark Tygart and I worked on — you would have TWO DW adventures (along with all the cool DCC info) should you pick up the module at your FLGS. (Wow, that’s a lot of acronyms even for a nerd post.)
It’s all free.
So, would anyone be willing to look over my conversion for typos? If you happen to have the module, that would be great, but it is not necessary.
Building off Mark Tygart’s work, I added some material to his DW conversion of The Portal Under the Stars, a DCC…
Building off Mark Tygart’s work, I added some material to his DW conversion of The Portal Under the Stars, a DCC adventure by Joseph Goodman. By good fortune I had been planning to use this adventure for a L&L at my local FLGS when Mark posted his work. I hope you find it useful.
So I came up with this move for my game.
So I came up with this move for my game. I am using Perilous Wilds and Perilous Deeps. I trigger this move when the players state a firm objective and/or I need to move the action along. Thoughts?
When you guide the party toward your objective in the dungeon, describe how you lead and, roll +relevant stat (see Defy Danger).
10+..Choose 2 from the list below and move towards your goal
7+….Choose 1 from the list below
6-…..Mark XP and the GM makes a move
– You encounter a Unique feature
– You make a Discovery
– As one above, but you do so safely, without encountering a Danger
– You encounter a Danger, but get the drop on it
Suggested GM Moves:
– You overcome an obstacle by expending some supplies (mark 1 Ration, 1 Bandage, or 1 Adventuring Gear, etc.) and describe what happened
– You hear a Danger drawing near
– You alert or leave a trace a Danger might find
– You get lost having ventured through a series of Common Areas, -1 forward to get back on track
– A Danger attacks from surprise
– A trap is triggered damaging and/or separating members of the party
Looking forward to using this with TPW!
Looking forward to using this with TPW!
http://kck.st/2jZyC30Little hex crawl inspiration?
Little hex crawl inspiration?
http://kck.st/2jZyC30The Bard’s Arcane Art ability.
The Bard’s Arcane Art ability.
There are two bands of thought in our group as to how/when this can be used.
One group says it is meant to be very liberal — the bard can “perform” during combat, etc. It just has to fit the fiction, so no silent performances on the lyre, etc. It could be during a combat etc.
The more conservative group believes it must be during a more formal performance — at the pub, by the campfire, etc.
Where do y’all stand?
Michael Jacobson
Perilous Wilds question: which # on the size chart determined the countdown for each theme?
Perilous Wilds question: which # on the size chart determined the countdown for each theme? Just not getting it from the example.
Jason Lutes