Just played our third DW session of Steading of the Hill Giant Chief – and our first PC fatality! Xiola Zenwaith, elven wizard, fell during a lethal battle against two hill giants and four dire wolves as the party attempted to retreat from the Steading to rest up before staging a direct attempt to attack the chief. We also had our first level up – Felix Pook (aka Pook i’the Hood), the thief, took a +1 Dex and the Cheap Shot Advanced Move. Interesting GM snippet was basically escalating a notional “adventure front” I was pretty much making up as we went along – how was the Steading reacting to the PCs’ intrusion. I’ll be writing that up more formally for future sessions.
Just played our third DW session of Steading of the Hill Giant Chief – and our first PC fatality!
Just played our third DW session of Steading of the Hill Giant Chief – and our first PC fatality!