Hey Gang!

Hey Gang!

Hey Gang!

I’m really excited to playtest a focused game using the Inglorious supplement.

What I am envisioning is chargen as normal, except only the base classes, but you can (should) take military backgrounds instead of race, and the in media res starting situation will involve some sort of war (as developed through chargen). The PC’s will begin as just having reached level 3 and have taken a Compendium Class from the supplement (Commander, Battle Angel or Infiltrator).

We will have a good crack at making armies, building up (and laying to waste) steadings and roleplaying key scenes that evolve through this situation of blood and fire. We will aim to thoroughly test the Inglorious Battle moves and how they integrate into the regular moves and play.

I’m thinking Sunday afternoon / Evening Australian Eastern Time.

Anybody keen?

I have always been a firm believer that Stakes are the most important concept to nail in regards to DW prep.

I have always been a firm believer that Stakes are the most important concept to nail in regards to DW prep.

I have always been a firm believer that Stakes are the most important concept to nail in regards to DW prep. Stuck on writing good stakes? Sophie gives us the low down on how to prep the best campaign questions you are interested in answering through play.

When Sophie talks about scenes, just imagine framing them as a way to answer your stake questions. They need not be in any order (though they may be tied to a specific Front’s danger or Impending doom.)

This article, although written about FATE, applies equally well to DW. Be inspired!

Originally shared by Sophie Lagace

As I tidy up the last few items for the War of Ashes RPG for Evil Hat Productions, I go step-by-step through the creation of an adventure.



Been finding this awesome for mission adjuncts lately, especially since I’m playing a fair bit of solo play.

Been finding this awesome for mission adjuncts lately, especially since I’m playing a fair bit of solo play.

Been finding this awesome for mission adjuncts lately, especially since I’m playing a fair bit of solo play.


Hey Jon

Hey Jon

Hey Jon,

Any chance of someone writing up the most excellent ‘Posse Creation’ bonds into the Planarch Codex style PDF handout? Or add them somewhere to the character sheets? I love this part of play and always add it to the one-shot WoD Intro spiel. Instant factions and all that.

Love your work mate 🙂
