I’m writing up the scenario I’ve been batting around about the players getting stuck in a dragon that can eat towns…
I’m writing up the scenario I’ve been batting around about the players getting stuck in a dragon that can eat towns whole, existing civilians intrigue to offer up sacrifices to the dragon, and the dragon’s own immune system takes the form of variously themed golems. There may even be a skeletal dragon boss fight (we’ll call that optional due to the risk associated with even finding it)
Anywho I decided that one of the ways the players can get places without being digested, or drown in blood is that the bones and blood vessels are hollow (with the blood vessels being ruby, and the bone being… well… bone).
I will have several points where players who roll a miss will shatter a nearby section of bone, or possibly ruby they can enter (although because Ruby is a corundum type gem, I want that one to require a special treasure found in the stomach). The first will be some trachea on the ground outside a village where the esophagus and larynx openings are closest to one another.
Once they figure out they can do this of course, it’ll be available the rest of the game.
So I’m trying to think of (an) evocative name(s) for the first accidental, and/or subsequent deliberate shortcut taking, as well as an evocative trigger other than Hack and Slash Fail/Pass.