Does anyone have any simple but workable mechanics for handling reputation and standing in various factions?

Does anyone have any simple but workable mechanics for handling reputation and standing in various factions?

Does anyone have any simple but workable mechanics for handling reputation and standing in various factions? This could be positive rep or negative rep. As the characters go further positive rep with a faction, that faction may offer them more or more helpful assistance. As the characters go further in notoriety (negative rep) with a faction, the faction becomes antagonistic and eventually outright violent against the party. The reputation that the characters have with a faction might impact the reputation the characters have with an opposing faction, also. For example, maybe I go up in the Society of Order for helping them take control of a disorderly civil disobedience in public, but the Independence League would take issue with the fact that I stopped their spread of anti-establishment propaganda. I was thinking of tracking it on a chart where levels correspond to “wanted levels” if notorious or if famous they correspond to rank or standing within the faction. It would take so many “ticks” to make the level go up or down.

I have just picked up and fell in love with Dungeon World.

I have just picked up and fell in love with Dungeon World.

I have just picked up and fell in love with Dungeon World. I’ve read most of the rule book and watched a few sessions of play on YouTube. I love the freeform story-building aspect of the rules. I want to GM a game of this, but before I do, I’d like to participate as a player in a few one-shots. Is anyone running introductory VTT or other format sessions for DW newbies? If so care for a new face? Or failing that, does anyone have a spot open in an ongoing campaign that I could try out for?