Here’s an idea I came up with to get some quick world building done during the first session of a campaign.
Here’s an idea I came up with to get some quick world building done during the first session of a campaign.
When you build a piece of the world, roll +INT. Continue taking turns defining world features until everyone has had a turn, and there is at least one positive, negative, and terrain feature created.
• On a 10+, create a positive features on the map. This can be a friendly fortress, safe haven steading, or other bastion of the precarious civilization.
• On a 7-9, create a region of terrain on the map, such as a forest, desert, sea, or mountain range.
• On a 6 or less, create a negative feature on the map. This can be the stronghold of a lich king, a cursed barrow mound, a forsaken dungeon complex, etc. These sites invariably contain wealth and artifacts ripe for adventurers to plunder.