Wanted to share a map of the Dungeon World game that I’m running. Made with CC3+, though the land mass outline was hand-drawn and put into GIMP.
Wanted to share a map of the Dungeon World game that I’m running.
Wanted to share a map of the Dungeon World game that I’m running. Made with CC3+, though the land mass outline was hand-drawn and put into GIMP.
Hey all.
Hey all. I posted a few weeks ago about how much pre-planning I should do. I just GM-ed my monthly game and let the players create a lot of the world. It made me anxious but it was so rewarding.
And afterwards, my players commented on how much they enjoyed being part of the creative process.
Thanks everyone that gave me advice! Really becoming a Dungeon World convert.
I just started as a GM in a DW campaign with friends.
I just started as a GM in a DW campaign with friends. I’m used to planning in DnD, so been wondering what everyone’s break down of planning vs impromptu in Dungeon World is.
Also what are premade DW campaign settings like with the draw maps, leave blanks mantra?
Lastly, what do people use to create new character classes? I’ve been looking a few templates but I wonder if there is some kind of commonly used one.