A faction of intelligent plant creatures my tabletop group has encountered and notes on how I ran them.
A faction of intelligent plant creatures my tabletop group has encountered and notes on how I ran them.
A faction of intelligent plant creatures my tabletop group has encountered and notes on how I ran them.
My last two session reports are up: both the face-to-face and online games.
My last two session reports are up: both the face-to-face and online games. I’m running both games simultaneously in the same setting, with each group affecting the play of the other, even though the characters may never meet.
Watching two groups (nearly) simultaneously interact very differently with the same scenario has been really eye-opening as a GM. Both groups know about the other group, which makes it even more interesting. I’m wondering how long before they start leaving clues or things for each other actively … or if that happens at all.
Also, the “recovering memories” mechanic is working out really well. Characters are coming alive through play and the recovered memories are making back stories interesting and related to the play (rather than the play being developed around the back stories). The game gets a bit gonzo from time to time, but the back stories, almost without fail, are really dark. I mean REALLY dark. The 7-9 result of having another player answer for your character has also proved to be much more interesting than my previous exploration of this idea (Damn True Facts, which you can find notes on earlier in the blog if inclined).
Read up if you like. Comments and feedback are welcome. At some point in the near future I may open up the Tuesday night online game to another player or two from the community, or possibly start another “pickup” session all together.
Play Report from Sunday’s game
Play Report from Sunday’s game … actually posted in the right location this time. It is a little long, but it was a great proper first face-to-face session. Feedback welcome.
Today I purchased a new pair of pants because I freaking forgot to pack my suit like a noob, but no time for…
Today I purchased a new pair of pants because I freaking forgot to pack my suit like a noob, but no time for tailoring, so i hemmed them myself. Then tonight I actually went to a baseball game, which is completely not my style, and had a good time. Also, this running and whatnot has paid off because the pants I bought were a size smaller than usual! Things are a-changin’ – woohoo!
First online session of Dawn of Eradu
First online session of Dawn of Eradu … a solo escapade in the Arrival Cavern. A single player managed to do more than a group of 4, which brings up a whole other conversation (which is for another time). Unrelated, I’m posting from Canada today
Dawn of Eradu: The New Campiagn Begins! http://worldoferadu.blogspot.com/
Dawn of Eradu: The New Campiagn Begins! http://worldoferadu.blogspot.com/
Start of the next Dungoen World Campign, discussion welcome
Start of the next Dungoen World Campign, discussion welcome
A few more creatures to go with the location from the previous blog entry:
A few more creatures to go with the location from the previous blog entry:
These three creatures are members of an alien race that has crashed on the campaign world. Some time before they cashed but after they left their home world, they were “infected” with creatures from the Patchwork Kingdom (a plane of tainted chaos which is the source of all things arcane) who merged with their hosts. Now at war with the citizens of the sinking city of Odin’s Spear (for reasons not entirely clear at this point) they are a threat to any who wander too close.
It is a beautiful day!
It is a beautiful day! Getting ready to grill with my nerd crew, which includes 2 new members. Watching Agents of Shield, painting minis, and getting excited for the next installment of my buddy’s 5e Planescape game.
I’ve got enough sausage from Karl’s Sausage Kitchen to feed a small army … http://www.karlssausage.com/
Erowid, the half-gith Bard/sorcerer and his strange not-quite-familiar Albrecht the Avernal Hog. I need to share and ink him, but a fine start to be sure.
I’m working toward a weekly posting of new DW critters for my new campaign.
I’m working toward a weekly posting of new DW critters for my new campaign. 3 rounds up so far – check it out and let me know your thoughts. http://worldoferadu.blogspot.com/2016/06/monster-friday-round-3.html