Dungeon World in Russian?
I’m sure there must be a version in Russian, but my Google skills have failed me.
Pavel Berlin Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, не подскажете?
Dungeon World in Russian?
Dungeon World in Russian?
I’m sure there must be a version in Russian, but my Google skills have failed me.
Pavel Berlin Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, не подскажете?
BrigadeCon or Virtuacon anyone?
BrigadeCon or Virtuacon anyone?
There are two virtual conventions gearing up for October: Anyone going to run a game at either of those? Signups are going on now…
Virtuacon Community = https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109731066728042855503
BrigadeCon: http://brigadecon.org/all-games/
Just found one of the best YouTubes showing how to play Dungeon World
Just found one of the best YouTubes showing how to play Dungeon World
Unlike many of the YouTube shows where people try out new games, for this one they made sure that the GM had experience with the game. The players are excellent, especially djWheat as the elderly Lady Amsel. Not only do they lay out the rules, but they play with style.
Check it out!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooa-apRt2wk&list=PL-oTJHKXHicRNYOc9unj3D1GMzjz_i6V2&feature=share&index=7Not just for dwarves..
Not just for dwarves..
How many more such cities do we know of? This is something I will definitely use…
http://sometimes-interesting.com/2014/05/09/derinkuyu-the-underground-cities-of-cappadocia/So, where do I get a copy of this new rage, the Inverse World?
So, where do I get a copy of this new rage, the Inverse World?