For my next session my party ventures into a landscape of dizzying cliffs and perilous rock-cut staircases. I envision the idea of there being ziplines for the locals to get around, and I want my party to also take ziplines.
I’m trying to think of some kind of rule to represent the benefit of ziplines over walking. Perhaps making a Thread where the final knot is “arrive at destination” and the zipline is an instant advance-1-knot whilst I withhold a Judge move to regress them by 1 knot (i.e. they get lost or took a wrong turn)
Anyone got any thoughts on other ways I could represent shortcuts, and if there is a move I could use like
“use Zipline roll + DEX
10+ make it across
7-9 pick from
* something slips out of your bag, lose an item
* you get vertigo burn WIS
* something else?
Any and all thoughts welcome