Looking for Help designing a Vampirc Dagger for one of my players like the one Artemis Enteri uses.

Looking for Help designing a Vampirc Dagger for one of my players like the one Artemis Enteri uses.

Looking for Help designing a Vampirc Dagger for one of my players like the one Artemis Enteri uses.  

Vampirc Dagger.  When you Attempt to steal someones essence, Roll+Con On a 10+ choose 2 on a 7-9 Choose 1  On a miss it backfires. 

You Steal their essence roll d6 they take that Damage and you heal that much.

You gain their memories and can Spout Lore about things they know.


Vampirc Dagger.  When you Attempt to steal someone’s Soul, Roll+Con on a 10 + gain 3 hold on a 7-9 gain 1 hold on a 6-  The dagger is angry and punishes you, GM tells you what happens.

For 1 hold You Steal their Essence roll d6 they take Dmg and you heal that much.

For 1 hold You gain their memories and can attempt to Spout Lore about things they might know.

I would like advice on at least one more option , and especially what happends on a fail.  I don’t want it to just be dmg.  This is my first attempt at a custom item and help is much appreciated. Thanks for any input.

5 thoughts on “Looking for Help designing a Vampirc Dagger for one of my players like the one Artemis Enteri uses.”

  1. The real difference between the two (besides wording, hold or no hold) is power level – the second one you could skip their memories and transfer 3d6 hp on a full success. If that’s what you want to be able to happen (which sounds pretty powerful to me) then go for the second one.

    My personal preference is the wording and ability of the first one – if you do great, you get both, if you don’t, you choose which one to get, or you fail. Although I would change ‘choose 2’ to ‘choose both’ or the like.

  2. Might also work if there are three options to spend hold on. For example:

    •You steal their essence. Roll d6 and they take that much damage while you heal an equal amount.

    •You gain their memories, etc.

    •The psychic link between this dagger and the vampire it was stolen from is severed until the dagger is used against another humanoid again.

    On a 10+ you get 2 hold, 7-9 gets you 1 and 6- is a miss.

    That third option gives you something to play with and places stakes on the characters repeated usage of the dagger while not in any way limiting his ability to use it as he wishes.

  3. Because I know the player I plan to give it too, I want it to be powerful but with a CHANCE of failure otherwise he would abuse it every chance he got.  plus its a evil campaign I think it would suit.

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