Created a new item for the game with my Wife and I.

Created a new item for the game with my Wife and I.

Created a new item for the game with my Wife and I.

Old Journal

This old book has been with you a long while, recoding your days past. When you read a passage from its pages tell what it is and Roll+WIS.

10+ You take +1 forward to a similar chalange ahead

7-9 You take +1 forward, but there are even dire troubles unbeknownst to you. The GM may or may not tell you what they are.


4 thoughts on “Created a new item for the game with my Wife and I.”

  1. Love the idea of giving the players the power over what’s in the journal. Perhaps it would help to rewrite the 7-9 option as “but the entry leaves out an important detail for the GM to figure out.”

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