Greek Fire Trap or Weapon
When a trap or weapon spurts its ancient napalm fire at you, ROLL+DEX.
On a 10+, you find suitable cover.
On a 7-9, you dodged but choose 2 anyway:
Your weapon melts on your hand.
Your armor burns and leaves you breathless for a while.
Say goodbye to your backpack.
On a 6-, you take 2d6 damage from the flames.
nN the one hand, I love getting into weird historical elements like that.
On the other, I first read it as “Geek fire” so my mind right now is going “When a trap or poster spurts it’s ancient grognard flames at you, roll +WIS…”
Fun with fire, all ways a good way to spend a day with friends and foes!
Why the 2d6 damage on a 6- ? Why not just leave it to the fiction and the DM?
Why not 2d6 damage? Baselines for roll consequences are pretty useful in my experience and besides you can always add on other effects to taste depending on the circumstances.
Also it’s the same amount of damage a Fireball spell does so it seems reasonable at first glance.
Sure 2d6 sounds fine, it s Just a bit Borring, and I kind of feel that 7-9 is worse than 6-.
Anyhow I thing I would just do it as a 2d6 weapoen with the messy, burning, consuming tag or something
Thanks for the feedback!