So I decided to stat up one of my adventure arc’s “Big Bads” recently, a demon with the power to possess several…

So I decided to stat up one of my adventure arc’s “Big Bads” recently, a demon with the power to possess several…

So I decided to stat up one of my adventure arc’s “Big Bads” recently, a demon with the power to possess several hosts at once. My idea was to have the hosts get stronger as the demon’s essence gets more concentrated. this is what I have.

Possessed Guards (25-13), Horde, Organized, Cautious

Gladeus: 1d6,

2 armour, 3 hp


His weakest form, with power so dilute, the host may as well be a mind-controlled human. Instinct: To infiltrate and sow Chaos

* Surround them casually

* Seize someone

* Kill off a problem

Possessed Guards (12-6) Group, Organized, cautious

Gladeus: 1d8+2 Forceful, close

2 armour, 6 hp

Hivemind, demonic

More concentrated, the demnos preternatural strength and speed show themselves now Instinct: To massacre opposition

* Brutalize someone

* Break their line

* Spread the taint

Possessed Guards (4-2). Solitary. Planar, Divine

Terrible claws: 1d10+4, 1 piercing, Messy, Forceful

3 armour, 14 HP

Truly demonic now, their form twists to reflect the demon within, and its power flows freely from them. Instinct: To unleash destruction

* Blaze with hellfire

*Smash something to peices

*Take on new vessels

The demon Incarnate. Solitary, Planar, Divine, Large

Blazing Brass sword: 1d12+6, 3 peircing, messy, forceful

Hellfire bolts: 1d12 +4, forceful, flaming, ignores armour

4 armour, 22 HP

Special qualities: winged, 4 armed.

The final host twists and roils, muscles and bones growing and expanding, new limbs exploding from their torso, until he takes on the demons true form

* Let loose hellfire

* Open a gate

* Spread to new hosts

2 thoughts on “So I decided to stat up one of my adventure arc’s “Big Bads” recently, a demon with the power to possess several…”

  1. Very cool. Reminds me of the Huntsmen of Arawn from the Chronicles of Prydain.

    It probably goes without saying, but if your players catch on to how it’s progressing and take steps to avoid the final form(s) (e.g. trying to subdue the guards without killing them, or trying to strike the killing blow on the last few surviving guards simultaneously, or luring them all into quicksand so they die together) you should definitely let them.

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