Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
Has anyone backed up the full Tavern feed yet?
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I’m working on it. I’ve got what appears to be a full backup from G+ Exporter. Need to carve time out to get the WordPress site set up with the archive.
Will post when it’s done.
Yes! Thank you!
Thanks Jeremy Strandberg that’s awesome!
BLESS YOU, Jeremy Strandberg.
Don’t bless me yet… this is… painful.
Jeremy Strandberg Thine efforts be blessed, regardless of outcome.
Jeremy Strandberg let us know if you need any help
If anyone out there is a wiz with WordPress, particularly with the various available importers that are out there, let me know.
Right now, I’m running into the problem that every post in the community needs to be manually mapped to it’s author, even though I’ve pre-imported a WP user for each author in the import. Like, the WP user names are exact matches, so I don’t know why it doesn’t just auto-associate them. Grr.
Given that 1/3 of the DW Tavern posts involve ~1300 authors… I do not relish doing this manually.
Also, I’ve largely reconciled myself to the fact that a lot of stuff is just… not going to make sense. Any G+ post that was shared to the community won’t have any real content, nor will it have useful link to the original, because the original is gone. I might be able to make images post, I’m not counting on it. Polls are probably lost, too, which makes me particularly sad.
Are you using the google exporter or the fancy paid one by a third party?
Fancy one.
The exported content is pretty good, actually (within limits). It’s the tools for doing imports that are causing grief.
If I can do any coding to automate some processes, let me know. I will be on the lookout for someone that has already done it for their blogs as well
I found this post I saw a few weeks ago. We may ask Rob for insights: plus.google.com – Having tried and hated Google’s export tools, I broke down and tried a tool t…
i see you were also in that thread Jeremy Strandberg
Progress! Nothing public yet, but progress!
I’m (pretty) reliably able to:
1) Take the G+ Blogger XML data dumps and use it to pre-load “collaborators” into the WP site
2) Run the standard WP importer to create posts, with tags, categories, and contents, assigning posts to the authors
3) Run a more specialized importer tool to overwrite the post authors with their actual authors
4) Installed a more advanced search index that works pretty well
It appears to be pulling down images in the “main” post, but no idea how it will handle images embedded in comments (not sure the WP format even supports that concept).
Also tricky… comments from users are linking to their G+ pages, not their WP “author” pages. Will have to look into transforming that somehow.