Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone! I’ve been lurking in the shadows of this community for a while now, and I’m completely in love with all your products Jason!

Given that short presentation, I’ve come to share a couple of travel moves I have created for my west marches current game.

I was able to translate only two of them this afternoon (originally wrote in Spanish) but wanted to share them with you all, given the latest post was about the travel moves having you unsatisfied. Maybe they serve as an inspiration! I will try to finish translating the other three later.


Thank you for all the great content on this community and keep up the good work!


4 thoughts on “Hi everyone!”

  1. These are fun! I like the system you’ve got going, though I feel like it’s more than my table would ever want to deal with just to travel somewhere. Have you looked at Jason’s new travel rules? Be curious to hear your thoughts!

  2. Jeb E Yes Jeb, I’ve looked at it, that’s where I got inspired!

    My west marches campaign is a little heavy on exploration, and the difficulties of it, and I needed a way to make things go wrong during a trip without looking like I want to spoil their fun.

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