I posted this a while back but here’s my updated version of my DW Moves Sheet. This is a totally hacked version, straying farther and farther away from vanilla DW the more I update it. It is getting dangerously close (in a good way) to what +Peter J is doing with Dungeon World Unlimited. You might also notice that the wording of most of the moves have been shorten and simplified. It is by design, I like being able to quickly read a move while playing.
Anyway, I figured some might like this, so here goes :
This is excellent. I’d love for this to be combined with DW Unlimited and offered as DW 2.0.
Jeff Strong I concur!
I smell Ironsworn (and Delve) moves in here, yes?
What are the Progress/Preparation points used for?
Jeff Strong Testing the pop guard on your podcasting microphone
Jeff Strong I wanted to add a move for it but couldn’t find where to fit it. It’s the same as vanilla preparation on the bolster move I think. Raw it gives you +1 to a roll you just made. In my hack it gives you advantage (allowing you to roll an extra die and keep the best two).
PC #1 is in trouble. If more than one PC tries to AID PC #1, what happens? Does PC #1’s player get to choose which die rolls to choose from? Do they just use 1 best? 2 best? Or is it only the last/most recent helper whose die counts…?
Preston Cooper Good question. Never happened to me that more than 1 PC wanted to help. My gut feeling would probably limit aid to 1 PC but I don’t want to hard rule it because another group (or even a specific situation) could warrant help from multiple PCs.
I’d just make all helping PC roll a d6 and rule that the character can only use 1 of the d6. It wouldn’t make sense to allow to take more than 1 because it would essentially mean that you rolled more than 2d6 for your check.
I’ll see how I can phrase that without cluttering the text too much.
Preston Cooper Actually, in my head this move was supposed to give you advantage on your check. At the table, I found that it’s actually more fun and more involving when the helping character rolls the extra dice from the advantage.
If I follow this thinking, technically you shouldn’t gain benefit from more than 1 PC that is helping.
In all cases, I think it’s better to rephrase the move so that it is written at the second person (like all the mother moves). So I’ll rewrite it anyway!
Here’s what I came up with :
When you help another character, roll a d6; they can keep the best two dice between all dice rolled. You are exposed to any risks, consequences or costs of their move, even if they didn’t use your die.
No wait, that would still allow them to benefit from multiple helpers lol.
When you help another character, roll a d6; they can swap their lowest die with any one of all helper’s dice. You are exposed to any risks, consequences or costs of their move, even if they didn’t use your die.
Is it me or it sounds meh?
How about:
–When you help another character, roll a d6; they can use this roll in lieu of one of their own roll’s dice. (If more than one player helps them, they can only keep the best 1 die from amongst all dice rolled). You are exposed to any risks, consequences or costs of their move, even if they didn’t use your die.
–If you roll a 1, the GM will probably put you at risk, make trouble for you, or make things worse in general, even if the GM can’t think of any way for you to share the same problems as the character you tried to help.
Is this any good?
Here’s my thinking:
1. If they can’t explain how they help, they can’t do it at all (A fighter wants to help a ranger on the other side of a large room, but there’s too much fighting going on for him to just run over there and help, so if he can’t think of anything, he can’t Aid anyway).
2. If more than one helper helps, fine, but this way, there’s more of an element of risk for helping.
(Should it be back to best 2 dice instead of 1? …i THINK it shouldn’t, because then the chances of making things better could overpower the chance of making things worse…? i THINK it’s balanced well this way…?)
Way too long a text, though. I’ve finite and restricted space if you look at the document
Plus I like to keep my move text short for faster use in-game.
Preston Cooper RAW the Aid move allows to help in only 2 situations : you rolled a 6 or you rolled a 9. Then, the move allows you to jump to a 7 or a 10. You can’t make the move worse.
I’d like to keep it that way.
There’s already an inherent risk because if you roll a 1, it means you won’t be able to help the character thus it means you are suffering the same side effects as he’s either failing or succeeding at a cost.
I reckon that RAW you could generate a 6- on your check to Aid, making things even worse. So in that sense you’re right. I’ll think about it but it’s a hit I’d be willing to take for sake of simplicity and speed
Addramyr Palinor Mm, I think you have a good point. A 2 isn’t going to help them much either, already. My proposed version is/was a little needlessly harsh…
Preston Cooper actually, I like your aid mechanic more than the vanilla DW one.