I’ve written a lot about this move over the years.

I’ve written a lot about this move over the years.

I’ve written a lot about this move over the years. I’m going to try to start collecting these on the blog so that they’re easier to find and reference.

In Defense of Discern Realities

I posted this essay on G+ back in 2016. At the time, there was a lot of talk and swirl on the Dungeon World Tavern about whether Discern Realities was a good move, and when it triggered, and how to use it. This was my response.

One thought on “I’ve written a lot about this move over the years.”

  1. I used to really struggle with this as a GM. Thanks in no small part to reading and discussing this essay years ago, and practicing and discussing more, now I really relish it when this move comes up. It gives us all a chance to slow down for a second and see the fiction more vividly than before.

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