Here’s a first pass at compiling the trove of example GM moves y’all suggested in my prior post.
I’ve done very limited editing and tried to attribute moves to their sources. Comments/suggestions are enabled, so if you want to change something you wrote or have a suggestion, feel free to add them there (or here, either’s cool).
Also: Please keep suggestions coming. Plenty of GM moves in that doc have only 2 examples, and we could really use some more straightforward cases. Also, a variety of situation types (exploration, combat, interaction; being sneaky; getting sneaked on; dealing with traps and weird magic; etc.)
I haven’t done any real curating yet, nor have incorporated examples from any extant sources (the DW Guide, Suddenly Ogres, etc.), but I plan to do that eventually.
I’ll likely end up with two documents:
1) This one, which is basically a grab bag of examples provided by/found in the community
2) A “curated” one, that tries to really demonstrate some “classic” examples of each move, the range of soft/hard on each, and different situations.
This is so helpful, thank you!
Could you list in the post the moves which have less submissions?
Love it!
this is great! very useful and awesome
Nice! Perhaps my favorite detail is the notion that a memorized spell is in fact a Resource.